Change Map Pin Colours & Icons

Date Posted: June 2023

Customisable Map Pins

Map pins, their colours and icons, have been a key WebTerrier feature since it launched.

Providing a clear location based infographic using Google Maps, your Properties, Inspections and Jobs to name a few are easily identified by their distinct visual representation.

WebTerrier Map showing multiple pins

One problem with these pin colours and icons is that we, the developers, chose them for you based on what we thought looked best, blue for offices, red for retail, etc.

Now however we are putting control back in the hands of the users and wherever a datapoint is represented by a map pin you can choose your own colours and icons, even for default values. This functionality has been added to the existing Picklist Editor accessible via Portfolio Admin > Lookups & Lists > Picklist Editor

You can choose any colour from the standard 16.7 million range and there are no less than 1342 different icons to choose from too.

Taking our Industrial heavy portfolio example from above with Brown Factory icons, you can quickly change them to Green Truck icons for example, or, if you cannot find a suitable icon you can alternatively use a text abbreviation.

Brown Factory Map Pin Green Truck Map Pin Green Text Map Pin
Your customised map pins will also be displayed in relevant results tables, keeping your data visualisation consistent across the platform.
Brown Factory Map Pin Green Truck Map Pin Green Text Map Pin

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