Need to know instantly when an action has been assigned to you?

Date Posted: February 2023

Immediate Email Notifications for Data Changes

Our powerful notifications system has been expanded with a new option - the ability to receive an email notification immediately upon changes made within the system by other users in your portfolios. You can setup your notifications under User Profile > Notification Settings.

If you're in a fast paced company it's crucial to keep on top of actions assigned to you, so you can be sure that you'll receive an email instantly when you've been assigned to a Ticket, Job, Compliance or anything else you might need to action. If you don't need an instant email, we still have our "Daily" and "Every Monday" options so you can get a rolled up email of all the changes made to data types you care about.

Notification Picker

And of course you can still setup upcoming notifications to be alerted of upcoming Events or Compliance items. Clients use this mostly to receive notifications of upcoming lease expiries, rent reviews or break dates so they can be sure they don't miss a critical date.

Upcoming notification designer

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