WebTerrier FAQ

Incorporating a lease management system like WebTerrier into your operations enables you to conserve both time and financial resources. Because WebTerrier is a cloud-hosted solution, it provides unprecedented accessibility - you can log in and work from anywhere, at any time. This eliminates the need for constantly updating and tracking spreadsheet versions, often a considerable hassle.

Additionally, the system’s capability for producing customised reports takes care of diverse data needs - users can select what to include or exclude from their reports, thereby generating insights that are truly relevant. Sharing or exporting these reports is simple and efficient, thanks to our extremely flexible report builder.

Moreover, the inbuilt system notifications and email alerts make sure that you stay on top of those critical lease dates. And since these alerts are customisable per user, the right people receive the right notifications at the right times.

Absolutely. At WebTerrier, we highly prioritise data security. Your data is stored on our cloud-hosted servers, where it is frequently backed up and encrypted for enhanced safety. In the unlikely event of a system failure, these measures ensure that your data remains secure while we resolve the issue. Our approach minimises data loss and gets you up and running in no time.

We follow stringent security procedures at WebTerrier and are both ISO9001 and ISO27001 certified. These certificates confirm our commitment to product quality and security. We undergo regular assessments to ensure that we are offering the highest level of service to our clients.

Absolutely, yes. At WebTerrier, our versatile notification system lets you customise how and when you would like to be notified based on the data you need. So, you can stay focused on what’s important while we manage your alerts, reducing unnecessary distractions.

Of course! With our advanced report builder, you can tailor-make the reports you require without extraneous data. You can merge information on lease events with EPC data, procure compliance and surveyor data, or even just obtain standard rent information. In short, WebTerrier enables you to build a report library that you can export or share at will.

No, there is no user limit or a pay-per-user system with WebTerrier. We believe in flexibility, so you can choose to have as few or as many users as required.

No, you don’t. At WebTerrier, we aim to simplify your transition to our system. We'll handle all your existing data, upload it straight into WebTerrier so you can dive in and start using it without delay.

We certainly do. We understand that portfolio properties may be located in different regions, and therefore, we provide daily FX rates. Consequently, portfolios in different currency locales can automatically report in uniform currency, ensuring convenience and consistency.

At WebTerrier, we have a robust user permissions infrastructure that allows you to customise user access. You can decide what data a user has access to, whether they can modify it or just view it, thereby maintaining control over your data.

At WebTerrier, we strive to meet our customers’ specific needs. Therefore, we continuously evolve by adding features, many of which are based on requests from our customers. If you find a feature lacking, we will be more than happy to develop a bespoke solution for you.

Delivering commercial property solutions to industry leaders

WebTerrier caters to all commercial property portfolio needs, from small landlords to international agents.

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